Faith Like a Child

Article written by Naomi

Christ gave us an example when he was speaking to his disciples and to the people.

While Jesus was speaking on the coast of Judaea, parents brought their children to him to place his hands on them and pray for them and His disciples rebuked them. Jesus said,

“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”
Matthew 19:14

Children are from above, God Blesses us with children and grants us the privilege of being earthly parents to teach them and instruct them to become children who obey, trust, love, and most of all, to rely on God in all things.

Being a parent has been the most challenging, but also most rewarding thing in my life.  I embrace each day that I have with my four children even when they are angry.

My biggest struggle is with their attitudes and temper tantrums: the yelling, screaming, throwing things, slamming doors, telling me they hate me and don’t love me, telling me no when I’m explaining something to them so they will learn to obey.

I’ve learned throughout my years with my children that yelling and screaming at them won’t help much.  It only provokes them to yell at me and others. I’ve learned that when we embrace them and pray for them, they change. They see how much we love them and care for them even when they lash out.

I see God’s love for us when we lash out at him because we are not happy with the way things are, or when we are passing through a difficult time in our nation, for example,  COVID-19, riots, protests, and many more things.  God is embracing us and understanding our difficulties because we may not understand how to let go and let God take control.

I have a voice and I have a heart, but sometimes I learn best when I am silent and listen to what God wants me to learn from my kids, from people I love, my country, and answered prayer.

Believing Like a Child

God has a way to encounter the depths of your soul with His unconditional love. You just have to believe and have faith just like the children God prayed for in the Bible. They obeyed their parents and went to Jesus willingly and faithfully, trusting He is able!

When we trust, believe, and have faith that God can change the circumstances in our lives, or even in our country, we learn how to always abide in God’s love and understanding. God is always with us no matter the circumstance. I encourage you to not lose hope, and to trust God in all things.

“O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge”
Psalm 62:8

Naomi Lopez - Praise and Worship Director at Life Church at South Mountain
Praise and Worship Director
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