For all the promises of God in Him are yes…

Article written by Brother Bledsoe

For all the promises of God in Him are yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.

2 Corinthians 1:20

As you well know, not long after passing through the Red Sea with a wall of water on each side and the bottom of the sea dried out and solid the people began to complain about one thing and then another.  They came through water but complained about no water.  They complained about no food so God sent them manna.  They complained about the manna so God sent quail.  The text below tells of His promise to do just that until they were sick from it.  It is a conversation between God and Moses.  What Moses says also tells us a lot about ourselves today.

It reads:  “Tell the people to purify themselves, for tomorrow they shall have meat to eat. Tell them, ’The Lord has heard your tearful complaints about all you left behind in Egypt, and he is going to give you meat. You shall eat it, not for just a day or two, or five or ten or even twenty! For one whole month you will have meat until you vomit it from your noses; for you have rejected the Lord who is here among you, and you have wept for Egypt.”  But Moses said, “There are 600,000 men alone (besides all the women and children), and yet you promise them meat for a whole month! If we butcher all our flocks and herds it won’t be enough! We would have to catch every fish in the ocean to fulfill your promise!”  Then the Lord said to Moses, “When did I become weak? Now you shall see whether my word comes true or not!” Numbers 11:18-23 (TLB)

As with them, if we are not careful we will find ourselves complaining about this, that and the other. We may not do it out loud like they did but inside we are grumbling.  Or maybe it is just me but I think that just maybe we are not so different from the people who followed Moses out of Egypt and every generation since then.

God promised them meat to eat and Moses doubted that there was enough meat on earth to feed about three million people.  I love God’s response:  “When did I become weak?” Is that not His response to us when we begin to doubt?  When did our needs become too great for God to supply? The rhetorical answer to that is NEVER!

An old chorus we used to sing says it all. It goes, “He’s able, He’s able,

I know He’s able.  I know the Lord is able to carry me through.  He healed the sick and He raised dead and He set the captive free.  He’s able, He’s able, I know He’s able.  I know the Lord is able to carry me through.”  He is able.  He has not become weak.  Trust Him with your needs and be blessed.

Pastor Jim Bledose - Prayer ministry and weekly devotion author at Life Church in Phoenix
Brother Bledsoe
Prayer Ministry | Weekly Devotion
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