It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: to proclaim Your loving kindness in the morning and Your faithfulness every night, upon instruments of praise with a meditative sound. For You O LORD, have made me glad through Your work: I will triumph in the works of Your hands. O LORD, how great are Your works and Your thoughts are very deep.
Psalm 92:1-5
Who is it good for if I give thanks to the Lord or sing praises unto Him? Does it make God love me more? Does it build up God’s ego if He has an ego? Is the Psalmist talking about private devotions or public worship?
Do you ever ask yourself these questions? Do you do what is said in this Psalm or have you lost your desire to worship the Lord because you no longer see value in it? If it was once joyful for you to praise the Lord what has changed and why? Have you allowed the cares of this life to cause you to be silent before the Lord?
The introduction to this Psalm says that it is a Psalm for the Sabbath Day. It was probably intended for corporate worship. As the people gathered together they would sing the songs of Zion and praise the Lord with instruments of praise. I cannot play any instrument. I can play on them but they don’t sound like anything you have ever heard before. However, I can still do what is a “good thing.” I can still lift up my voice to give thanks to God and even sing praises to His great Name.
If you have been hurt or made sorrowful by what someone has said or done to you, the Lord wants to make you glad again as He renews His work in your life. It can happen today when you do the “good thing” and you begin to open your heart to your loving Savior and offer up your praise to Him again. Don’t you think it is time? Draw near to Him through worship and praise and get close enough to Him that He can not only hear your whisper and also the “cry of your heart.” He loves you and He is in the business of restoring broken hearts. “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.” Amen and amen.