By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only son (by Sarah), of whom it was said, that in Isaac shall your seed be called: accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; and in a sense, Abraham did receive his son back from the dead.
Hebrews 11:17-19
You know the story; after Isaac was born; Ishmael and Hagar had been sent packing; God told Abraham to take Isaac, the son of promise to a place that God would show him and offer up Isaac on an alter of sacrifice. This event had to be Abraham’s greatest test of faith. However, even in this he proved himself faithful to God.
He packed up the burro with wood; got a fire pot with live coals; and with some servants, Isaac and his self he set off for the place (Moriah) that God would show him. When he got to the place, he built an alter of stone; laid the wood on it and then laid Isaac on it. Don’t you wonder what Isaac was thinking?
When everything was ready, he pulled out his switchblade (it was probably a knife used for skinning sheep) and was ready to do Isaac in but an angel said, “Stop, don’t harm the boy.” Abraham “lifted his eyes and saw a ram caught by its horns in a thorn bush” and offered it to the Lord as a substitute for his son. (There is a lot of teaching here but not enough space). Abraham called the place (probably where the future Temple would be built), “Jehovah-jireh, the Lord will provide,” or on the mountain it will be provided.
Just Trust!
What, to date, has been your greatest test of faith? Did you wonder if you would survive it? Perhaps God tested you through your children. Perhaps they became rebellious; or deathly sick; or maybe they wondered away from the faith; or spoke to you in a way that broke your heart. Perhaps it was (or is) some illness of your own and you thought you was going to die.
Whatever test you face, do what Abraham did, trust God and obey. He will come to you with healing, deliverance and direction, and He will not be late. Just trust! It may be hard to give it totally to God but, just trust the merciful hand of God. Again, just trust.