Share Your Testimony

Article written by Brother Bledsoe

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
Matthew 6:13a

God doesn’t lead us into temptation, for he does not tempt people to do evil (James 1:13). The Greek word translated “temptation” does not mean “enticement to do evil” but “testing.” Sometimes God allows his people to be “tested” by trials. But this testing is never without a purpose: God is always working to refine his people, teach them to depend on him, and strengthen their character to be more like him. How he does this differs in every person’s life.

There are some interesting parallels between this prayer and Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.  The Lord’s prayer affirms God’s will (Thy will be done) and then asks that the trial be removed (If it be possible let this cup pass from me.) Then Jesus immediately prayed, “Nevertheless, not my will but Thine be done.”

The end of the Lord’s Prayer reminds us of the importance of testing, even though we seldom desire it. Our prayer should be: “And lead us not into further testing even while you are leading us out of evil.” Jesus both taught and modeled a freedom in prayer that dared to ask almost anything, fully knowing that the Father will do what is best.

Jesus wants us to place our trust in God during trying times and to pray for deliverance from Satan (the evil one) and his deceit. Some of you have been through, what seemed to be the darkest times of your life and you have, perhaps, wondered where God was in all of it. After the trial was over you found that He was there all the time; that He did not leave you or forsake you. Now your faith is stronger than ever and you are an even greater witness for the faithfulness of God than you were before the trial. Share your testimony and be a blessing to others.  Amen and amen.

Pastor Jim Bledose - Prayer ministry and weekly devotion author at Life Church in Phoenix
Brother Bledsoe
Prayer Ministry | Weekly Devotion
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