The Sins Of Your Past

Article written by Brother Bledsoe

Yes, in the way of thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee… For when Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
Isaiah 26:8-9

The Lord is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait upon him.
Isaiah 30:18

God is a God of mercy and a God of judgment. Mercy and judgment are forever together in His dealings. In the Flood, in the deliverance of Israel out of Egypt, in the overthrow of the Canaanites, we ever see mercy in the midst of judgment. In the inner circle of His own people, we see it, too. The judgment punishes the sin, while mercy saves the sinner.

Let no one who seeks to learn how to wait on God wonder if at first, the attempts to wait on Him only reveal more sins and darkness. Let no one despair because unconquered sins, evil thoughts, or some great darkness appears to hide God’s face. Submit in humility under God’s judgment of your every sin and ask God to cleanse you by the blood of Christ. Judgment prepares the way and breaks out in wonderful mercy. It is written, “Zion shall be redeemed with judgment” (Isaiah 1:27). Wait on God in faith, that His tender mercy is working out His redemption in the midst of judgment. Wait for Him; He will be gracious to you.

Change Your Attitude

Are you having trouble with the sins of your past? Do you seem powerless to overcome certain temptations? Do they seem to rule over you? Do you even want to overcome the sins that bind you and keep you from gaining the victory over the habits of the “old man?” Perhaps your problem with the sins of the past is your attitude toward them and if anyone challenges you about them you get angry.

If you want victory over sin, then change your attitude. If you were a pilot flying at 8,000 feet and you were approaching a mountain that was 10,000 feet high, and your refuse to change your attitude, you will certainly crash. It is your attitude toward sin that will keep you from crashing. If you love sin then you are not a lover of God, for He hates sin. If you love God and hate sin you will always soar above it all. Amen.

Pastor Jim Bledose - Prayer ministry and weekly devotion author at Life Church in Phoenix
Brother Bledsoe
Prayer Ministry | Weekly Devotion
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